It's been a while since I have had a semi-eventful weekend. But I am proud to say that this past weekend was full One of my many BFF's, Katherine Elisabeth Montoya, came to visit me in Provo this weekend. I am going to take a small moment to explain Kate and the relationship that we have to you all. I met Katherine Elisabeth my freshman year of college down at SUU. I moved into the dorms and was stuck with some rather odd roommates. Okay, they were just about as bad as you can get. Ha. That is a whole other story. Luckily, some super freaking awesome girls lived next door. I spent a good chunk of my time with them. Kate was one of those lovely ladies. One day she called me by my full name. Which nobody has really done since Jr. High.
Ever since then not only have we called one another by each others full name (I mostly do it because she has a freaking awesome full name, Katherine Elisabeth Montoya. Elisabeth with an "s". She knows/loves that is awesome too), but we have been super tight. I ended up moving in with them spring semester of that year. We all remain extremely close to this day. But we will save that for a different day. Of all my friends I would say that Kate is the most like me. We went through similar childhood experiences. We act alike and think very much alike. But are different enough to make it interesting. She is VERY artsy. I love her for that. She used to be a ballerina. She tends to dance around a lot, no matter where she is. She is a complete twig, 5' 8" size 4. She is one of the few girls in this world that can pull off a boy hair cut, and she always tells me not to "sass" her. I do it anyways. She loves anything with glitter, feathers, rhinestones, and redheads. If she had the money, she would shop high end fashion stores. And yet, she would still go looking for red suede boots at D.I. She has a very loud distinct laugh and you KNOW when she is in the room. We have oodles of fun together.
So, Kate came to visit this weekend. Friday night I am proud to announce that we did nothing. We ate grilled cheese sandwiches, frozen grapes, and potato chips at 11:30 p.m. while watching Rat Race. (Highly recommended) I had to work Saturday morning, so she went to her sister-in-law's baby shower. She is completely lucky and winning on that aspect of life. She wanted to go to the Strawberry Days rodeo in Pleasent Grove, and after telling me I am a snott, I finally agreed to go. Mostly because of the strawberries and cream. (To die for) But of course we had to go to Target first because I needed a "rodeo shirt". What? I had nothing appropriate. It is a well known fact that you can't wait just anything to the rodeo, especially nothing too.....preppy. I wasn't feeling well, but we went to the Macey's in Pleasant Grove anyways to get our tickets, which is when we found that they were sold out. Not too much of a surprise, since it was the last day. So, we drove back to Provo, I changed back into my preppy clothing, and we went to Brick Oven. SO GOOD! One thing I love about Kate is that we can sit and talk for hours. And we did just that while we ate. Since it was only 9 when we were done, we went back to my apartment to digest our food. We love to discuss the fact that all our guy friends from our freshman year are coming off their missions, and we are a little weirded out. When then went to see "Vantage Point" at the dollar theater. AMAZING!! After Kate informed me that I needed light bulbs for my room. We headed over the Macey's. I wanted to get popcicles too. Because I am the world's most indecisive person, we stood in the ice cream isle for a good amount of time. I stared at the freakish amount of choices and Kate scooted around behind me, making up some fancy footwork. We then heard from the other end of the isle..
"Do you know where the nearest dance club is?"
Kate: "Right here" *dance dance*
Three dudes then came to see what interesting young ladies we were. Two of them were more on the quiet side while one just talked to his little hearts content.
"What are two cute girls like you doing alone in a grocery store on a Saturday night?"
Kate: "dancing"
Kris: "trying to find ice cream" (might I add that I was still totally staring at the ice cream cases)
Kate: "we did go to a movie"
Dude: "how do you girls feel about two guys going to a movie and sitting next to each other?"
Kate: "fine..."
Kris: "okay" *still staring at ice cream*
Dude: "I think it is stupid when guys have to sit with a seat between. Five guys would take up a whole row." His friends had odd smiles. Almost embarrassed or even like they just got off their missions and are frightened by girls still
Dude: "where are you girls from?"
Kate: "cedar city"
Kris: "I live here"
Dude to Kate: "you visiting"
Kate: "yeah"
Kris: "Kate, do you want Creamies?" *totally fixated with ice cream*
Dude: "we should all go and golf sometime" *swinging pretend club*
Kate: "I'm only here until Sunday night"
Kris: "Oooo KATE! What about pudding pops?" *poking at ice cream*
Kate: "I don't care" *getting bored with dudes and starting to scoot around again*
Dude and friends then proceed to surround me in my selection process
Dude: "get the 24 pack of creamies then you can invite guys over. Guys love it when you do that"
Kris: " you want Creamies?"
Kate: "no"
Kris: "okay....I got it. Fruit on the outside, ice cream on the inside!"
Dude: "well, we gotta go. bye!"
Kate: "those sound good"
We then traveled home and pondered on what had just happened. That night we had a rousing discussing on the pros and cons of sleeping in the buff. The next morning, we got up and got ready to go to Kit Lloyd's homecoming in Heber. We knew Kit our freshman year. He was our roommate Megan's boyfriend. (and now still is.) The drive up there was thrilling. Lots of bikers. We were almost late because of a station wagon. But because of my speedy illegal driving we ended up being early. We sat behind this adorable little girl, who Kate is convinced her children will be exactly like. Kate waved to her and the little girl waved back and then told her mother that Kate waved to her and then made her mother turn her head and look at Kate. Kit did an amazing job but I will admit that we were watching the girl most of the time. She would quote half of "Enchanted" to her mother. When Kate smiled at her the girl smiled back and then showed Kate the picture she was coloring. Also, randomly enough, it turns out that my cousin and his family lived in Kit's ward, which was a fun surprise. After sacrament meeting took Megan to her house in Heber to get some fruit for the gathering a Kit's house. Meg told us all about the past week with Kit. She went to the airport to greet him and to his family reunion. She even told us about how one night as he walked her to her car, he said something in Spanish (she could only recognize the word kiss) and then kissed her. The next day he asked her if she understood what he said. Then said that he told her that it was "I have waited 2 years and 4 days to kiss you". Of course we all screamed like 12 year old beehives in my car at that point. Good job Kit! We had a blast talking with Kit at his house. His backyard is amazing and we chilled at the picnic table under an umbrella. He has some pretty cool friends from high school. One of them is about 6'5" and is a returned missionary with funky hair. As he left he said...
"hey babe, I don't think I caught your name"
"Kris with a "K"?"
"what's your number? We can chill sometime"
He asked for Kate's too, but it was completely random. He was pretty cool though, so I was okay with it. Later that night after Kate left I drove up to Bountiful. My parents made me go on the ward "Walk About". Four families in the ward volunteer to be stops and you walk around the neighborhood and stop and have treats at the houses while talking with everybody. Great fun. We went. My parents, my 17 year old brother, and me. We got to one house and after about 30 minutes I see a guy that graduated a year before me heading straight for me. Now this wouldn't be so bad, except A) I was never real good friends with him and B) he is a return missionary and the type that is looking for a wife. (I have been getting some vibes from him every time I am home, for the last little bit.) He is way cool and has really nice eyes, but I don't know. It was fun to talk with him. I don't know. I was the only girl my age in my home ward. I graduated with 6 guys. Apparently one of them had his homecoming on Sunday. He was kind of a punk before he left, but my mother could not stop gushing about how amazing it was. Holy crap. I think she wants me to marry him or something. Another guy came home two months or so. He was the star quarterback at his high school and super chill. Apparently he is having a hard time adjusting. Really hard time. I feel bad for him.
Well....that was was long and random.....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Summer of Patience
I like to name events in my life. 2004 was "The Year of Pure and Endless Joy", my trip to Bear Lake two years ago was suppose to be the "Bring on the Freckles Trip" (double meaning to that one, ha!!) but ended up being the "Trip from *%$& !!". Those aren't even the best event names. I will be honest with you, I can't remember 90% of them. But this summer has been officially deemed my "Summer of Patience".
I despise winter with every fiber of my being. I loath being cold. Okay, maybe that is a bit over the top. I do love Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. I enjoy stew, apple cider (oh man do I love hot apple cider...mmmmm), candy canes (oh man how I love candy canes....mmmm), and other holiday treats. But honestly I really don't find much joy in January, February, March, and sometimes April because I live in Utah and April is unpredictable. Well, besides Valentines Day that is. I have never had a Valentine and yet I still adore that holiday. Anyways, I have a built in sensor for beautiful days. One of my favorite things in the whole world is to wake up to a beautiful day. The kind of day that you can open all the windows and just let your house breathe after all those stuffy cold winter months. You may still have snow, but it is melting and you can feel the sun. I wake up so incredibly happy. I get cold easy, but on that day I refuse to bundle up. Those kind of days make me want to do laundry and breathe in clean. *sigh*
I LOVE SUMMER!! I love all the fruit and vegetables. I love the homemade ice cream. I love the barbeques. I love the cottage cheese. (I feel weird eating cottage cheese in the winter. Almost like I am cheating on summer when I do.) I love fireworks, I love fireworks more than any one person should. I love going up the canyon and roasting Starburst. I love the summer Blockbusters. I love flip-flops!! I love ponytails. I love going to the Gateway Mall in the summer. I love the 4th of July. (Especially when I was little and Sister Gillette would make all the primary children sing God Bless the USA, the version with the fancy beginning, at Chapel Park that morning after they raised the flag before we all ate breakfast. My favorite was when it says "and I gladly STAND UP NEXT TO YOU" and we would all stand up when we sang that. I was very dramatic.) I love love love the 24th of July, it is my favorite holiday. Well, more like the 23rd. That is when Bountiful has their most of the festivities. The parade is killer, literally and figuratively. I don't care if it is a million degrees, it is amazing. Then there is the carnival at the park by the rec center. SO fun! But my favorite of all is the fireworks. They are like 5 blocks from my house at Mueller Park Jr. High. I have a spot staked out every year. They seriously last FOREVER! I love when you can feel them in your chest. AHHH! I love to go to Bear Lake and just chill. I love boating. I love sunburns. (Obviously not when I have them, and yet I love it.) I love looking tan and not having to wear makeup. I love tan lines. I love chillin with my family. I love love love to sit on my back porch by myself in a blanket and look at the stars. When I was little I loved to go school clothes shopping and going to the elementary to look at the list that told you who's class you were going to be in and then comparing with my friends. I used to love park hopping with the Ericksons. I love popsicles. I love Pace's and the Rainbows there. I love Nielsen's and the Concretes there. I loved walking to Artic Circle when I was little and then going to Grandma and Grandpa Child's and Grandpa giving us a ride in his truck home, even though we went like 15 miles per hour. I LOVE summer with every fiber of my being.
But I have never once in my life wanted fall to come so badly. I have reached a point in my life where all I do is work, and at a job that is slowly but surely losing it's appeal. All my friends are either married, live in a different city, or are doing something thrilling and different for the summer. I am bored as all heck. I miss my family. I want to be 22. I actually want to go to school. (Mostly because I want to get done faster, and it keeps me busy.) I live with little messy girls that I can't handle. AND I finally think I might now what I want and it is gone for the summer.....twice!! I have waited and waited and waited and just when I think that it might work, summer came and took it away from me. Why summer, why? We have always had a good relationship. Why now?
What makes it all so annoying is that I know that if I wait, I will be rewarded.
Freakin Summer of Patience.....
I despise winter with every fiber of my being. I loath being cold. Okay, maybe that is a bit over the top. I do love Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. I enjoy stew, apple cider (oh man do I love hot apple cider...mmmmm), candy canes (oh man how I love candy canes....mmmm), and other holiday treats. But honestly I really don't find much joy in January, February, March, and sometimes April because I live in Utah and April is unpredictable. Well, besides Valentines Day that is. I have never had a Valentine and yet I still adore that holiday. Anyways, I have a built in sensor for beautiful days. One of my favorite things in the whole world is to wake up to a beautiful day. The kind of day that you can open all the windows and just let your house breathe after all those stuffy cold winter months. You may still have snow, but it is melting and you can feel the sun. I wake up so incredibly happy. I get cold easy, but on that day I refuse to bundle up. Those kind of days make me want to do laundry and breathe in clean. *sigh*
I LOVE SUMMER!! I love all the fruit and vegetables. I love the homemade ice cream. I love the barbeques. I love the cottage cheese. (I feel weird eating cottage cheese in the winter. Almost like I am cheating on summer when I do.) I love fireworks, I love fireworks more than any one person should. I love going up the canyon and roasting Starburst. I love the summer Blockbusters. I love flip-flops!! I love ponytails. I love going to the Gateway Mall in the summer. I love the 4th of July. (Especially when I was little and Sister Gillette would make all the primary children sing God Bless the USA, the version with the fancy beginning, at Chapel Park that morning after they raised the flag before we all ate breakfast. My favorite was when it says "and I gladly STAND UP NEXT TO YOU" and we would all stand up when we sang that. I was very dramatic.) I love love love the 24th of July, it is my favorite holiday. Well, more like the 23rd. That is when Bountiful has their most of the festivities. The parade is killer, literally and figuratively. I don't care if it is a million degrees, it is amazing. Then there is the carnival at the park by the rec center. SO fun! But my favorite of all is the fireworks. They are like 5 blocks from my house at Mueller Park Jr. High. I have a spot staked out every year. They seriously last FOREVER! I love when you can feel them in your chest. AHHH! I love to go to Bear Lake and just chill. I love boating. I love sunburns. (Obviously not when I have them, and yet I love it.) I love looking tan and not having to wear makeup. I love tan lines. I love chillin with my family. I love love love to sit on my back porch by myself in a blanket and look at the stars. When I was little I loved to go school clothes shopping and going to the elementary to look at the list that told you who's class you were going to be in and then comparing with my friends. I used to love park hopping with the Ericksons. I love popsicles. I love Pace's and the Rainbows there. I love Nielsen's and the Concretes there. I loved walking to Artic Circle when I was little and then going to Grandma and Grandpa Child's and Grandpa giving us a ride in his truck home, even though we went like 15 miles per hour. I LOVE summer with every fiber of my being.
But I have never once in my life wanted fall to come so badly. I have reached a point in my life where all I do is work, and at a job that is slowly but surely losing it's appeal. All my friends are either married, live in a different city, or are doing something thrilling and different for the summer. I am bored as all heck. I miss my family. I want to be 22. I actually want to go to school. (Mostly because I want to get done faster, and it keeps me busy.) I live with little messy girls that I can't handle. AND I finally think I might now what I want and it is gone for the summer.....twice!! I have waited and waited and waited and just when I think that it might work, summer came and took it away from me. Why summer, why? We have always had a good relationship. Why now?
What makes it all so annoying is that I know that if I wait, I will be rewarded.
Freakin Summer of Patience.....
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Today I lost by best friend. Well, I lost him awhile ago, but the harsh reality hit today. So many good memories. I first met him in high school, while on a trip with a student organization. He would claim that we first met when he was dared to caress my hair without my permission, although we really met a month earlier when we held hands for a few brief moments. (Granted, it was while we were playing the human knot.) I didn't see him again until that fall. Through a series of events when began to text each other. Soon it became an all day thing, every day. I knew everything about him and he knew everything, everything about me. Both of us were so insecure with ourselves. We went to Phoenix for another student leadership trip our senior year. I was having troubles and he was there for me. One night we walked every floor of the hotel we were staying in while all our friends were at a dance. That is when we were invited to the kegger on the 14th floor at 2 a.m. We thought it was quite funny. (No, we didn't go.) We would argue with each other constantly and yet he was my best friend. The summer after graduation we spent many warm nights going to the canyon and roasting Starburst while I tried setting him up with many friends. That next fall was weird. I left for college 4 hours away while he stayed home to get ready for his mission. For my birthday he gave me a lifesize poster of himself. It was suppose to be so I could show was he looked like to girls that came to my dorm, but I honestly think it was so I wouldn't miss him. Even though we were a state apart we still talked for hours on the phone. Then came March 2006. Going to his farewell was odd, but I didn't think much about it. We were going to write, he was like a brother to me, no biggie. I only made it 2 1/2 hours of my drive back to college before I started to bawl. I didn't know what I was going to do. It was so hard. Everybody tells you that 2 years go by quickly. LIARS! 6 months in I was dying. I should have been better at writing, but it was difficult. Not only did it make the time go by so much slower (oddly), I had nothing to write. I had a boring life. I could have told him about what I was doing, but that usually involved guys and I didn't think I should be writing that. That was a major regret. I wish I was better at writing him. And yet it helped not to. I had a life to live, and I needed to figure myself out. If you ask anybody the last 3 months of his mission I was beyond the point of excited for him to get home. I couldn't wait. I could have my best friend back. I had a whole shoe box full of stuff from him, for him, about him, things I wanted to tell him. My parents thought we were going to get married for sure. No, he's a brother......right? Yes. Then the time came. I knew he was home and yet I didn't hear from him. His homecoming was suppose to be the next day. So, I called his house. Oh man was I excited, and strangely enough nervous. When he answered I about screamed. He was home. We chatted for a bit. He seemed distracted.
"What are you doing?"
"trying to remember how to text"
"you have a phone?"
"ha ya"
"who are you talking to....a girl?" ha
"actually yes"
"WHO?! You have only been home 3 days...."
"my old companion's ex-girlfriend"
That was odd. I went to see him that night. His mom (who is just the sweetest lady known on earth) answered the door and as much as I love her and talking with her, I was dying. I poked my head around the corner and there he was. He looked so much older. So big, and his cute parted hair. HA! I stayed there way too long. It was a bit awkward. I chalked it up to the fact that he had two years worth of stories and I had two years worth of stories, neither of which really mixed. Little did I know. Plus he kept talking about this girl. Some girl from Idaho. (Besides potatoes and Bear Lake, Idaho has never been good to me.) I sat by myself at his homecoming. She sat by his mom. He had never physically met her before and she was sitting by his mom. Huh. He went to see her at school. Then he saw her and her Idaho. We hadn't even talked on the phone. We hung out once or twice. I just couldn't help but think that things had changed, he changed. As long as we kept topics general, things were okay. We still argued like we used to but it wasn't fun anymore. One night I didn't want to disagree anymore so I didn't text back.
He didn't die, he fell in love. I've lost him. Somebody once told me, while trying to give me guy advice, there comes a point where you can't be friends anymore. You can't be best friends with another girls guy, you just can't. I now understand.
It is amazing and kinda pathetic that we live in a world were Facebook has taken over. We care about who is on, who has more friends, and on who's top friends list we are on.
Today I lost my best friends. I moved from #3 to #17.
"What are you doing?"
"trying to remember how to text"
"you have a phone?"
"ha ya"
"who are you talking to....a girl?" ha
"actually yes"
"WHO?! You have only been home 3 days...."
"my old companion's ex-girlfriend"
That was odd. I went to see him that night. His mom (who is just the sweetest lady known on earth) answered the door and as much as I love her and talking with her, I was dying. I poked my head around the corner and there he was. He looked so much older. So big, and his cute parted hair. HA! I stayed there way too long. It was a bit awkward. I chalked it up to the fact that he had two years worth of stories and I had two years worth of stories, neither of which really mixed. Little did I know. Plus he kept talking about this girl. Some girl from Idaho. (Besides potatoes and Bear Lake, Idaho has never been good to me.) I sat by myself at his homecoming. She sat by his mom. He had never physically met her before and she was sitting by his mom. Huh. He went to see her at school. Then he saw her and her Idaho. We hadn't even talked on the phone. We hung out once or twice. I just couldn't help but think that things had changed, he changed. As long as we kept topics general, things were okay. We still argued like we used to but it wasn't fun anymore. One night I didn't want to disagree anymore so I didn't text back.
He didn't die, he fell in love. I've lost him. Somebody once told me, while trying to give me guy advice, there comes a point where you can't be friends anymore. You can't be best friends with another girls guy, you just can't. I now understand.
It is amazing and kinda pathetic that we live in a world were Facebook has taken over. We care about who is on, who has more friends, and on who's top friends list we are on.
Today I lost my best friends. I moved from #3 to #17.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A Flamingo Among Pigeons 2.0
Since apparently my early onset Alzheimer's is setting in, I forgot my password to my original blog. So welcome to "a flamingo among pigeons 2.0"!!
I hope none of you find me cocky when you read the title of this blogging experience, and if you do then A) you don't know me very well and B) you can just suck it up. I should probably explain though that my mother used to tell me (and still does on occasion) when she could tell that I was having a "down day" that I was "a flamingo among pigeons". I spent many moments trying to figure out what she meant by that. I came up with a few conclusions, A) I have stick legs, B) I am kind of awkward and clumsy when I move, C) I'm for sure not a swan, but D) mostly I guess, she wanted me to know that I was a bright spot among the your everyday birds.
( A.D.D. Moment: I looked up flamingo on Wikipedia, I found this definition: "Flamingos are gregarious wading birds in the genus Phoenicopterus and family Phoenicopteridae." I had to look up what "gregarious" meant and here is what I discovered: "Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing". Sweet, okay. After a little research I also decided that I would be a Caribbean flamingo for sure!)
Ever since then I have had a deep love for flamingos in all their awkward-ness, and I as you all begin to read my day to day adventures and semi-deep thought you remember that it is coming from a flamingo like girl, herself.
I hope none of you find me cocky when you read the title of this blogging experience, and if you do then A) you don't know me very well and B) you can just suck it up. I should probably explain though that my mother used to tell me (and still does on occasion) when she could tell that I was having a "down day" that I was "a flamingo among pigeons". I spent many moments trying to figure out what she meant by that. I came up with a few conclusions, A) I have stick legs, B) I am kind of awkward and clumsy when I move, C) I'm for sure not a swan, but D) mostly I guess, she wanted me to know that I was a bright spot among the your everyday birds.
( A.D.D. Moment: I looked up flamingo on Wikipedia, I found this definition: "Flamingos are gregarious wading birds in the genus Phoenicopterus and family Phoenicopteridae." I had to look up what "gregarious" meant and here is what I discovered: "Describing one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing". Sweet, okay. After a little research I also decided that I would be a Caribbean flamingo for sure!)
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